You deserve to live in your body free from judgement. You deserve to decide what is important to you and your health. You deserve compassionate support. You deserve freedom around food – and I’m here if you would like help to find it.

Who is my nutrition counselling for?
My nutritional counselling service could be for you if you can answer ‘yes’ to any of the following:
It is not your fault! Restrictive eating behaviours and blaming individuals has become normalised in our society. But what I offer is not about willpower – it’s a chance to critically explore nutrition in the context of your life.
To address health concerns (‘health’ as determined by you and your values) I support all bodies – and do so without a focus on weight loss.
I can help you to develop a flexible approach to eating, along with acceptance of your body as it is now and how it may change throughout your life or in different circumstances.

What does my nutrition counselling involve?
My approach is to embrace health diversity as health can mean different things to different people. Food and diet are not one size fits all and can be tailored to you and your needs.
I am a lover of all bodies and am HAES™ (Health at Every Size) aligned, which means that I look for ways for you to improve your health without body discrimination. I also practice the Well Now approach developed by Lucy Aphramor, which advocates for social justice and collective health.
I draw on intuitive eating principles. Intuitive eating is not a weight loss plan! If you prefer not to name it (after all the goal is to find freedom from any food regime) then intuitive eating provides practical tools to access a non-diet approach.
My role is not to educate or preach, but to guide and help you navigate your way to a happy, relaxed, guilt-free food-life. If we come across any road bumps that I feel are beyond my scope of practice I will refer you to the appropriate health professional.
My support and advice is not a substitute for medical or mental health advice. I will work with your treatment team for tests or other diagnostics if deemed necessary.
We will not use weight or BMI as a measurement of your health!
That is not to say that weight loss would not be an outcome; your weight is just a part of you (like your height or hair colour). For some people, restoring weight to a natural set point or range could be a positive outcome. For others, their weight will not change at all.
With your consent and willingness, we will explore your eating habits and behaviours, but you will not be required to track what you eat. Our first session starts with asking about your food history . We all have our own unique food story and it is an important part of the process for me to listen to yours.
My work with you is collaborative and confidential, any notes we make during the session are yours – as are the tasks, resources and exercises that I will give you along the way.
It is not unusual to have things to think about between sessions, or agreed actions that you would like to try. And I welcome you to come to each session with any new thoughts or challenges. Equally, you can just turn up, be present and enjoy your journey to food freedom!